Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Heart of Jonathan A Desert Trekker

So, This past month or so I have done the most writing I have ever done in my entire life. I have always enjoyed writing, but never really enjoyed sharing as you can tell by the 9 or so posts in the past two years... Ha.

This past month, has just been a doozie. I have never felt so close to God, yet so far away. If you understand, you have been where I have been before, but if not, just wait. Your time will come.

This is something I wrote. kind of like a poem thing, I dont know, I am no english major. Its from 1st Samuel 14, if you have had a conversation with me about spiritual things I am sure this passage has come up before... I would read it, and if you have not read it, I would HIGHLY encourage it before you read what I wrote, it will be much more rewarding. I think. So, here it is. I hope you enjoy it.

I find the weight of a looming risk
Weighing down on me
A stampeding stomach
Makes me think
"Should I really do this?"
A heavy heart
Tells me
"This is crazy"
What if this doesn't work?
This could ruin everything
What if it does work though?
This could fix everything
Bozez and Seneh
Stand before me
Beckoning me
To climb
An army on top awaits me
Like I said before
"This is crazy"
But, I will never know if I don't go
I'll be in stuck in the land of
What if?
Where dreams
And hope
I must do this
A necesarry risk.

So, continue trekking, you desert trekker. Do not give up. But yet continue. For in the heart of continue you find God.

1 comment:

Richard Brannon said...

It's strange to read this from (to continue with the metaphor) the oasis part of life. To not be in the middle of it all...
It's like when you watch a movie about war, there's a little part of you that wishes you could share in that struggle. You know that despite the struggle, the hero grows up and becomes something that is more than what he once was, and so you watch from a safe distance with an unspoken desire to meet some challenge and stand up in it.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your mind. Thanks for reminding me that blessings sometimes feel like discipline. Stand up in it my friend.