Tuesday, October 27, 2009

God's Mistake

So, it seems to be as of late that my life has been chock full of relationship stuff. A little bit in my own life, but more in other people’s lives.

I love it.

God has called us to be in relationship with each other, and its through that which God’s love is fully expressed. Although I could go on and on about this, I do not want to, I want to focus on something else in this blog.

I want to focus on a “pre-Eve” or “pre-woman” time in the history of this world as we know it.

I am withholding all jokes.

I want to focus on “the hunt” the hunt for a perfect helper. And here’s the question:

“Why did God place Adam in the garden alone to begin with?”

Since God is all knowing wouldn’t it make sense that He would know that it is bad for man to be alone?

Maybe He just forgot that man needed woman?


Maybe, just maybe he wanted to teach Adam something that could only be taught in solitude…

God placed Adam in the garden in solitude, with the responsibility of maintaining the Garden (Genesis 2:15). He placed Him alone. There is something about being alone that teaches us about relating to God that nothing else can compare to.

When you are alone.

You really find out what you are made of.

You find out what you believe in.

What you trust in.

Who you trust in.

Its in solitude where God forms the inner parts of your being.

Your character.



Are refined.

But then there is this. Adam is alone. Always has been. He has never seen another human being, let alone a woman. All he sees is animals. Being together.







So why create the animals before the best created being of all time? God says this, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)

He then brings the animals in front of Adam so Adam could name them.

But why?

Is this a representation of God’s “accident” of not creating a helper for Adam? And Him trying to cover for that accident?

“Here Adam, here’s a zebra.”

“….oh, that doesn’t work does it?”

“… a camel…?


NO! Thats not it. I don’t think God is trying to match Adam with an animal to be his helper.

God knew what it was like to be in perfect community because He is part of the Trinity. He knows that a panther is not a good fit for a helper for Adam. God is refining Adam.

The animals were brought to be named, yes. But they were also brought before him to bring a yearning inside of Him for Eve. A helper. Adam had to realize that the future Eve would be a perfect fit. He had to realize that it is not good for Him to be alone.

Its different for God to know something about us. Then it is for us to know the same truth about us.

God knew that it wasn’t good for man to be alone, but Adam did not know that yet.

The delay in Eve’s arrival shows Adam the perfectness of Eve for Adam. Because he knew the importance of a helper.

I love how God takes from Adam to build what is missing.

His wholeness.

So, for those of you in solitude. Keep pressing in. Keep going. God is doing an unseen work inside of you that will only be able to be seen in hindsight. Go forward in light of this. He is forming who you are.

For those of you who are married. What a blessing!


You have a wife.

That perfect helper.

Love her with everything you got. In fact, I challenge you.

Pick up the phone.

Call her.

Tell her you love her.

Thank her for being who she is.

Sure, there are troubles in marriage. Being a single dude, I can’t speak of those with much authority if at all. But, I know God has ordained marriage. Its worth dying for to make it work.

Do not give up on each other.


“Ascentus mentis ad Deum”


Brandon Spencer Wilhelm said...

Hey, good blog...especially the part about Noah naming the animals!

Unknown said...

Well put man - very enlightening post and very encouraging to me today!

ANNE BROWN said...

Wow! That was beautiful. I pray every day for your future wife knowing that you will be a blessing to each other.

Kyle Atkins said...

Amazing thoughts! Thanks for posting this, giving humor and deep teachings at the same time.

Mark Mayfield said...

A few thoughts:
First, maybe God should have created women first and taught them to be alone- they seem to have more problems with it than us. Or maybe that just proves your point. ;)

Secondly, I found this strange; "But they were also brought before him to bring a yearning inside of Him for Eve." If I heard you correctly, these animals turned Adam on (yearning inside him). Thats weird, but you supported it with evidence, so I agree!

Good post. I'll just keep waiting, or when I get bored and take out a rib and see if I can make somthing cool too.