Sunday, August 19, 2007


So this afternoon I was watching a pretty rad movie. We Were Soldiers. It is definitely worth seeing if you have not. There is a part in it that leveled me. I have seen the movie 5-6 times and have never noticed this scene, because it is very quick.

In the movie there is a guy that asks to go to the battle. He is a photographer and he wanted to take some pictures. Now he gets in the middle of the battle and realizes that that was a crazy idea. He is in the middle of a big firefight and an explosion goes off and puts him on the ground. Then a lieutenant comes up to him, grabs him and throws him to safety. He grabs a rifle off a dead soldier throws it in his lap then throws a couple rounds of ammo at him. The guys replies, " Sir! I am not a combatant!"

To which the Lieutenant replies, " There is no such thing today."

I heard that and I was leveled by what the lieutenant replies to the photographer turned soldier. You see, from there on out the guy was a soldier. He entered a civilian and left a soldier. He entered fearing battle, he left fighting.

Yes, he still took pictures, yet during the battle his occupation so to speak was soldier.

Then I began to wonder... Where am I taking pictures when God has called me to fight.

You see as a photographer you watch everything pass by. As a soldier you are immersed into the heat of the battle, it progresses as a result of your actions.

Matthew 11 talks about how the Kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold of it.

How is the Kingdom supposed to advance if we are a bunch of photographers...?

Its not.

I think when this was written, I think God is saying, " There is no such thing as a non combatant in the Kingdom of God."

You see to be in the Kingdom we have to be soldiers, there is no room for people who just want to take pictures as cool stuff happens.


You a photographer?
or... Soldier?

1 comment:

simplekatherine said...

I like your thoughts Collin. I love it when messages jump out of movies and stories like that. :)